2008年1月8日 星期二


Now the final exam is coming soon, but I'm still so lazy about studying. This makes me really worry about my grades. Always put off things until their deadlines are coming is one of my bad habbits. And in order to change that, I started studying for the final exam two weeks ago. I thought that was enough to prepare for the test, but, I was wrong. Now there is only one week left and I still have lots of things to do, such as turning in the works and the reports that teachers want me to do and study hard to catch up what I haven't learn. It is really hard but that is because of my habbit of postpone things until the last moment, even studying. So I guess I'll have to take it by myself, to save my school grades. And now, is about the time to take action. It's time to study~go~

2008年1月6日 星期日

Harry Potter

Finally, I finished reading Harry Potter vol.1 English version today. It took me almost two months reading it and it really drove me crazy, haha. Honestly speaking, the grammar it use isn't that hard. But some special nouns are really too difficult for me, especially those names of charecters or creatures or even magics. This is my very first time to finish reading a English novel. It is my big accomplishment and I'm happy for myself. Recently I also finished reading Harry Potter vol.7 The Deathly Hollows Chinese version. It was really fantastic! The story was fascinating, just like what it was all the time. But I was a bit sad after finished reading it because this is the last Harry potter. What would my life be if there is no Harry potter? Umm...We'll see that in the future I think!

2008年1月1日 星期二

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of 2008, it's a whole new beginning.
Yesterday I didn't go to Taipei101 to count down. I stayed in 三峽 with 10 of my classmates, who live in our school's dormitory, instead. We had dinner at Mcdonald's together then went to buy some fireworks because we were going to Yuan Shan to count down by ourselves. We rode bicycles together to the bottom of Yuan Shan then walked up to the top by foot. But we wrongly estimated the time we had to spend on climbing up, so we had to count down at the mid of the mountain, at the side of the road. So funny, isn't it? But at least it was a unforgettable memorry. After we arrived the summit of Yuan Shan, we took out all the snacks and drinks and talked about our wishes in the new year. I wish all my families and friends can live a happy and healthy life in the new year. I also hope that all my worries will disappear and I can live more carefreely. The third one...it's a secret.Haha! We went back after we lit off those fireworks, they were so beautiful, so amazing...
In the new year, I heartly hope all my wishes come true.
Happy New Year!

2007年12月24日 星期一

Merry X'mas!

Today is christmas eve,my friends and I went to have a great dinner together.
We went to a famous Thai food restaurant.The food there was really great,I really
love Thai food I think that's because I love spicy.But the restaurant was also
expensive. Each one of us had to pay 450 NT dollars and the most important thing
is I was still a bit hungry cause their quantity of each dish wasn't really enough...
After finished our dinner we went windowshopping in a departmentstore and
took some pictures in front of the big christmas tree then I went straight home to
stay with my mom. So sweet, isn't it? Haha!

2007年11月1日 星期四


As what i said yesterday,I borrowed harry potter vol.1 from my cousin today.
I spent all the afternoon reading chapter1, trust me, It's really hard to read.
Maybe this is because of I've never tried to read English books before.
I tried not to look up those words I don't know,but it makes me crazy cause
I can't understand what it was saying!
umm...I guess I'm facing a really big problem now...
I think it's gonna take me a whole month to finish this book,though I really
hope this won't happen.
Are there any tips to help me read this faster and more "enjoyable"?
If there are,I'd better try it or I guess I would hit the ceiling while reading it someday...

my plans

in order to reach those goal I set, I have gotten some ideas.
I can read some English novels like harry potter to improve my reading.
also i can learn some grammar from doing so.
Oh,and I'm already listening to ICRT now,though It's a bit difficult for me right now,
but I believe It is deffinately gonna help me a lot in my English.
Hope everything will goon just like what I planned.
And hope I can do well in class,too!

2007年10月26日 星期五

my new goal about learning English:
1.pass the GEPT mid-high level before next summer

2.keep up the habbit to listen to ICRT to improve my listening comprehention

3.try to finish all works that pro. Tsao assign(haha!)